Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stonecutter - By Jon J muth, John Kuramoto

Authors- Jon J Muth and John Kuramoto
Publisher - Feiwel and Friends, An imprint of Macmillan

I picked this book in the kids section at the library. At times, I wonder how these books come in the kids section. Specially when I go looking for picture books for a 3 year old and stumble upon such books, I ponder even more.

Lovely book. I quickly managed a glance at it for just about 10 seconds before deciding to take it in. All that caught my attention in those 10 seconds were -

1. A small book, which I knew I can read it in about 5 minutes
2. A black and white imaged book.
3. A story about a seemingly unpopular guy - A stonecutter

After reading the first few pages of the book, I was just pulled into it -

  1. How many times haven't I questioned myself about how significant is what I am doing?
  2. Doubted myself about how good I am? 
  3. How different am I when all I am doing is some routine old mediocre chores, 
  4. Dreamed about how I wish I was someone else, doing something else?
  5. How I wish I was in some place else?

So, this stonecutter, the only character in the story ponders about his life and is unhappy that he is at such a low status in the society and keeps wishing for more power, money and luxury and to be one-above-all-else.

Strangely every wish of his is granted as he gathers more power to be superior over every one else whom he eyes.

What goes round, comes around is what exactly happens with him. And finally, He finds himself at peace, no longer wanting to be someone else. He becomes someone who is happy who he is, happy with what he has and happy with what he is doing.

Isn't that what everyone yearn out of life?

A simple yet profound read. Something that lingers long after you have read and something that forks out more questions and answers within yourself every time you flip its pages.

On second thoughts, what happens to life next if you are satisfied with who you are and what you have. Does life stagnate and stink? Or does life go into a perfect rhythm that it always was meant to be at??

Monday, June 4, 2012

Back from a break with a new challenge

Whoo!! Was that break needed? I don't know :) But I am glad I am back.

To stay put on to writing, I decided a new challenge would just encourage and motivate me as needed. So here's my challenge -

Today is June 05th 2012 and starting today, till the end of this year, I wish to read and review 100 books. Any 100 books that touch me, inspire me, put a smile on my face, make me think twice, make me recommend it to someone, or even hate it.

And all these posts go under - 'My Read, My Review'.

Good luck to me!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Challenging myself - 'Y' for you

You were there for me when I was struggling to stay afloat in a raging river. Every smile and every kind word mattered. I could breathe through many a days just hoping to see you knocking at my door with a smile. And when life got impossible, all I had to do was, knock on your door. How many days have you set things straight for me over a cup of coffee?

I no longer have the bigger gifts that you gave me. But small gifts like pencils, erasers and notepads have a long life. To remind me that one does not need great gifts in life. It is the little things that stay with you. For time and forever.

Life keeps us busy and we still manage a hi every so often to wish each other well.

You were a great friend in my life. I miss you dear.


I know this contest is done. I know I have won. But I still can't seem to leave it. I wanted to write for all the 26 letters. I have covered 15 letters. 9 more to go. I did take up this challenge and I am still not done yet. :)

Yippee!! Hurraayy!!

I won a prize at the contest that I was entering so far!!
Here's the link -

Meanwhile, I had also entered another lucky contest and won it -

What a month April has been!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Challenging myself - A love story

The man in the moon is coming down to meet the lady of the lakes.

 The cool spiraling breezes sing love songs. The lotuses bloom to fill the air with a lovely fragrance. The swans dance to the songs of the fishes and the fog sets up a lacey veil.

The mood is set. The time has come. The lovers, whose love extends beyond their distance are destined to meet under the glittery starlight.

They met every night, filling the world around them in love until one day, when the Sun got jealous of them.

He came, all mighty and powerful, all brilliant and radiant proposing the lady of the lakes. But, she turned him down. Ashamed and embarrassed he waged a war with the moon, capturing him and chaining him to revolve around the earth.

And ever since then, they both wait, eagerly, for the full moon day.

Challenging myself - 'U' for Unsure

There was love; only, it felt like I was drowning in it.
There was care, only it stringed freedom off my neck.
There was concern, only it turned judgmental to all I did.
There were thoughts about me, only, it consumed all your time.

The all-deceiving youth in me had made me shut my mind.

I was reckless, I was irresponsible. I was blind.
I said ‘no’ for the sake of saying it.
I did all those things that you warned me from.
I knew you loved me but I challenged you to prove it.

Unsure of what I am doing, I ran from myself to unknown land, so far, that I can’t return back, no matter how much I want to.

You were right, all along.
I am sorry.

I have damaged much more than sorrys can repair.
I want to come back. I do.
Will you accept me?

This was a response to the blogging contest at - rules for the entry were - Tuesday April 24 - your entry should contain the words "unsure" and "unknown".

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Challenging myself – ‘W’ for Wanderlust.

 Wanderlust. That’s what runs in my veins. I can’t sleep at night; I can’t stay awake from my day dreams. What lies beyond these waters? What lies beneath the clear blue skies? What lies past those horizons?

Soft murmurs that sneak up to my ear amidst the howling wind call me. The rolling waves and tinkling ripples lay out a carpet welcoming me. The long green grass of the whispering meadows rift apart, making way for me. The indigo skies and twinkling stars shine bright to light up my way.

The world ahead, beyond and around is on its toes waiting for me.

And I am set, to explore the land beyond our little island.

Wait for me. I’ll be back to huddle around the warmth of the night fires, to sip in late tea and to share my voyages and adventures.

I am going to chase those wanderlust wonders.

This was a response to the blogging contest at - The rules for the entry were - Thursday April 26 - begin and end your entry with a word beginning with the letter ‘W’. Write a short story/flash fiction/poetry/other writing. The entry should be based on this picture and should be less than 150 words.