Friday, April 13, 2012

Challenging myself - K

I am submitting at least one comment at the blog  - for a very creative contest there. 

Rachael has a picture and she is inviting posts based on the picture each day. 
So, here’s my entry for the 'K' day and the rules for the entry were - Thursday April 12 - your entry should contain the words "king", "kestrel", and "key"

Knowledge is as vast as me.
I hold the key to all the mysteries.

It depends on what you bring to me
A cusp, a pail, a bowl or a bucket,
A pocket, a jacket, a bagpack or a truck.
I'll give you to the brimful of whatever you get.

Oh Fair Lady, what makes you sit so still,
A step ahead is all that it takes,
To feel the cool waters, to plunge in for a dive
For, I assure you, that seeking knowledge
Is the sole fun of being alive

Knowledge sets you free,
To hover like a kestral, to soar like an eagle
To reign like a king or to roam like a dinosaur
To rise, or to float, to run or to rule.

Knowledge is as vast as me.
Seek, Explore and Immserse in me.

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