Sunday, April 22, 2012

Challenging myself - 'P' for Prayers

Prayers to the Sun God mark the beginning of a day in Hinduism.
The sun God is known as – Ravi, Bhanu, Aruna, Divakara, Dinakara, Surya, Aditya, Bhaskara, Mitra and a 108 other names.

Salutations to the lord, the one who reins the world on his vanquishing chariot pulled by a horse with seven heads, the provider of heat, light and seasons are in three forms.

Sandhya Vandane is offering water to the God, “Argya Samarpane”. It is a daily ritual, done at dawn, standing in the water that is chest deep.
Surya Namaskara, the salutations of prostrating before the lord is an ancient Hatha Yoga Asanasa practiced widely all over the world.
• Chanting of the revered Gayathri Mantra – 

Om bhūr bhuva svaha tát savitúr váren(i)yam
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naha pracodáyāt

"May the divine light of the Supreme Being illuminate our intellect, to lead us along a path of righteousness".

Salutations to you – Sun God, so that the day may start and end in peace.

This was in response to the Blogging contest at - .The rules for the entry were  Wednesday April 18 - begin and end your entry with a word beginning with the letter "P"  Write a short story/flash fiction/poetry/other writing. The entry should be based on this picture and should be less than 150 words.

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