Saturday, March 31, 2012

Taking on a different track

I started this blog with the sole intention of learning the art of writing. Just 2 posts into it and I seemed to hate to read what I have written. Not that the content was soo bad :D, it was just the way it was presented. 

Something like - The world's best coffee, served in a cup that’s cracked or chipped, will definitely impact your tastebuds after you have laid your eyes on them.

The easiest part is writing, but, presenting it out well takes the 95% of the work. 

I did not like how my blog looked. It did not make me linger around long enough or set a mood while I read what I wrote. It did not even make me come back to re-read it. 

So, here I am - set out to present it on the best platter. :) 
  1. Reading books and ebooks on blogging and custom/professional blogging .
  2. Planning out a calendar of events on my future posts about what all I am learning. You will see posts/vlogs upcoming on this, pretty soon.
And yes, learning the art of writing follows parallel with all this.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Facebook/ Blogs/ Twitter/ Vlogs

Practically, Everyone is on Facebook. Almost everyone is blogging and tweeting, and many do have the patience to shoot videos, edit and vlog it.

The question is who is reading/ seeing all these? Everyone is busy doing it themselves.
  1. To be very hopeful, let’s say 3/4th of the people that I invite, would actually subscribe to all that I ever post and read every one of it diligently.
  2.  Most often, I click on the next blog just to be surprised. If I am on Youtube, I do look at its other suggestions. I am not on Facebook or Twitter and I thank god for not idling away more of my time on them.

So, I do stumble upon and read other blogs/vlogs. But, rarely have I remembered them and followed them, no matter how much pleased I was with them.

How do you get 'people' to read your posts? By ‘people’, I mean - People whom you don't know and people who would start liking you for your works.

If you are writing just about yourself/your family or about the other such general things in life, giving them your views and opinions on it, it might hardly interest people. Everyone has an opinion and everyone wants to talk. So, your posts will least likely be talked about.

Write about something that people want to read, something that interests them.
  • How-to articles
  • Product review articles.
  • Travel logs in detail. What did u do and what should you have rather done?
  • Promoting something nice that you came upon. (Free stuff, Sale events, Tricks and Tips to fool a system, etc…)
  • News. Brainstorms about a particular issue, your predictions of its impact and after-postings of them dissecting your predictions.
  • Funny pictures/ jokes/ articles

Well, most importantly – I asked myself a question - what would I love to read? My list would vary from yours. But, as I always believe, there are a whole lot of people in this world who are a lot like me. So, write for yourself and you are sure to find someone who loves what you are doing solely for the reason that, that is what they are doing too or that is what they wish to do.

And also, it all depends on the purpose of your posts. If your whole intention was to just keep in touch with your friends and family, then, I thank you for reading this through but I am sorry it does go beyond your objectives.

And what will I do with all my posts? 

I guess I will write about reading, writing and blogging for the moment. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

About me!!

I am a Daughter. I am a Wife. I am a Mom. I am a Friend.
I am a Dreamer. I am a Thinker.I am a Listener. I am an Arguer.
I am Alive. I am ticking! I am a Human. I am ME. I am Nemo. 
When I sit to write about myself, I find it the hardest thing to do.

What do people usually write about themselves?? - Name, Place, Education, Career, Hobbies, Pictures...
Let me go by those lines as well -

1. Name - "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." -Romeo and Juliet.

I have a pretty name. I like it, though its a bit long and tongue twisting to a few people. It means "A person with a sweet smile." I love the simplicity of my name.
              I like the name 'Nemo'. No one calls me by that name, yet, its special to me. That's the name I give to my alter ego, a name I would like to go by.

But, tell me, really, what's in a name?

2. Location: "I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places." -Mark Twain

Where am I from? - I no longer am there.
Where am I now? - I wont be in this place for much longer.
Where will I be? - I really do not know.

3. Education background: "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." -Albert Einstein

I graduated in an area that I never really worked upon.

4. Career: “Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” -Katherine Whitehorn

I worked for about 6 years in an area that I really did not share a passion for.

Books have been my passion ever since I have been a child. I spent most of my summer holidays with those constant companions.
                Better late than never - I have set my mind into Writing. Writing - about all that I read, Writing - so that others will love to read what I have been writing.

5. Hobbies: “My only hobby is laziness, which naturally rules out all others-Granni Nazzano

Apart from the most usual ones like Reading/ Music, I do not have any exciting hobbies to brag about.

6. Pictures: “The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?” -Pablo Picasso

Photos are rage these days to say - "I have been there and I have done that".
I really do not go a lot places apart from haunt the local libraries :). So, I do not have a lot of pictures to post and share.

If you are just another boring person as I am, and you wish to not do anything exciting just to be able to blog/post/gossip about it, then, keeping your identity neutral helps :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When the whys are answered, the hows fall into place.

Why am I writing?

To hold a mirror to my insides,
To explore myself, my deeply hidden thoughts and feelings,
To test if I am a writer, to be one, to continue being one,
To read it, reread it, rewrite it till I am happy with it.

Why should I never write?

For the sake of writing.
For the sake of holding it onto someones face to judge me.

Whom am I writing to?

Myself. Could be the present me, the younger me or the older me.
A writing, such that, if I read what has been written, I may say - Wow!

Why am I posting/publishing my writing?

A lot of people in the world, are a lot like me. . .